Lietuvos pionierius Nr.1. Draugystės paukščiai
Other title(s): Lithuanian Pioneer No.1. Birds of Friendship
Year: 1959
Description: In town’s park, pupils of Kaunas and their guests from fraternal republics are putting the nesting-boxes into the trees. Alexander Chebotyrev from Moscow puts the nesting-box into the tree. Liberty Avenue in Kaunas through the bus window. Pupils and their guests in the bus. Bus in Kaunas old town. Pupils visit the passenger lift. Pupils are photographed on the banks of the Nemunas. The view of Kaunas. Pupils are putting down four wreaths at the monument to the four communists – Karolis Požėla, Juozas Greinferbergeris, Kazys Giedrys, Rapolas Čarnas. Pupil A.Chebotyrev stayed in professor Blažiejus house. He and son of professor Vaidas do the morning exercises in the balcony, later they all have breakfast together. At home schoolgirl Elena Žongailaitė plays piano for her friend from Tajikistan. Pupils with their guests in the hall of Kaunas 6th secondary school. There is a concert. Performances of the guests from Moldova, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan. The concert ends with Lithuanian folk dance "Grinder". Pupils visit the Military Museum in Kaunas.
Keywords: Kultūra / Politika / Švietimas / Tarptautiniai santykiai / Culture / Politics / Education / International relations
Provider: Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybės Archyvas
Rights: In Copyright / Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybes Archyvas
Colour: Black & White
Director: Nota Liubošicas
Sound: With sound
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